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The Fruit of Heaven


A Sufi allegory illustrating the importance of spiritual guidance and the seeker of truths responsibility to prove to him or herself the teachings of our Masters through their very own, long (and often painful) personal experiences of life.

There was once a woman who had heard of the Fruit of Heaven. She coveted it.

She asked a certain dervish, whom we shall call Sabar: “How can I find this fruit, so that I may attain to immediate knowledge?”

“You would best be advised to study with me”, said the dervish. “But if you will not do so, you will have to travel resolutely and at times restlessly throughout the world.”

She left him and sought another, Arif the Wise One, and then found Hakim, the Sage, then Majzup the Mad, then Alim the Scientist, and many more...

She passed thirty years in her search. Finally she came to a garden. There stood the Tree of Heaven, and from its branches hung the bright Fruit of Heaven. Standing beside the Tree was Sabar, the First Dervish.

“Why did you no tell me when we first met that you were the Custodian of the Fruit of Heaven?” she asked him.

“Because you would not then have believed me. Besides, the Tree produces fruit only once in thirty years and thirty days”.

Shawn Malzahn

Shawn Malzahn is from Bolingbrook, Illinois and is the founder and principal director of the Green Rose Organization. He is an artist, poet, and sincere seeker of Truth who enjoys sharing his life-experiences with others. Shawn hopes to enrich the lives of mankind through compassionate service as he learns and grows through the various unique trials of Life. To contact Shawn, please send an email to

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