12 PRINCIPLES OF KARMA Karma means action, work, or deed, signifying the activities of mind, speech, and body. The term also refers to the principle of cause and effect (causality)…
DEAR GOD A prayer by Shawn Malzahn Dear God, Merry be the Creation that concentrates on your Center. May the Master reveal the whole Mass of Christ this Christmas with…
THE TALKATIVE TORTOISE A Buddhist allegory illustrating the ramifications of failure to restrain ones own speech. Once upon a time Brahmadatta was king of Benares, and the Bodhisatta, being born…
CHANGE THE WORLD A Sufi allegory illustrating the realization of the importance of self-transformation. Bayazid, a Sufi mystic, has written in his autobiography, "When I was young I thought and…
THE FRUIT OF HEAVEN A Sufi allegory illustrating the importance of spiritual guidance and the seeker of truths responsibility to prove to him or herself the teachings of our Masters…