Pillars of Prosperity
PILLARS OF PROSPERITY Artwork by Shawn Malzahn HIGHLIGHTS Handmade Color Pencil (Crayola) Bristol Acid-free Vellum Paper 12'' x 9'' DESCRIPTION Pillars of Prosperity is a color pencil drawing on medium…
PILLARS OF PROSPERITY Artwork by Shawn Malzahn HIGHLIGHTS Handmade Color Pencil (Crayola) Bristol Acid-free Vellum Paper 12'' x 9'' DESCRIPTION Pillars of Prosperity is a color pencil drawing on medium…
CHANGING THE WORLD A Sufi tale illustrating the importance of self-enquiry and the preciousness of a Human lifespan. Bayazid, a Sufi mystic, has written in his autobiography, "When I was…
THE MONKEY'S HEART A Buddhist allegory illustrating the superiority of intelligence over pure physical strength, or "brains over brawn". Once upon a time, while Brahmadatta was king of Benares, the…
THE SINGLE STARFISH A story of making a difference Once upon a time, an elderly man was walking along the beach when he noticed a young boy picking something up…
TWO WOLVES A story of good vs. evil Once upon a time, there was an old Cherokee chief who sat down next to his grandson in order to give him…
THE CRUMPLED $100 BILL A story of self-worth Once upon a time, there was a creative arts teacher who at the beginning of every school year would stand up in…
THE STUBBORN MONKEY A story of "learning to let go" Once upon a time, there was an old wise man and his son sitting together around a campfire in the…